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Let’s start with a high-level ‘thirty thousand foot’ perspective.

There is no more expensive time to resolve co-ordination issues than during the construction process. Design Assist anticipates potential problems, avoiding significant time delays and additional costs. It’s a collaborative effort that seeks to try to resolve issues with designs that are often inevitable on complex jobs.

“DA” brings peace of mind, financial stability and a predictability that allows owners to sleep better at night, knowing their project is under expert supervision every step of the way with a view to avoiding the problematic conflicts that can create explosive overruns and delays.

Let’s start with a high-level ‘thirty thousand foot’ perspective.

There is no more expensive time to resolve co-ordination issues than during the construction process. Design Assist anticipates potential problems, avoiding significant time delays and additional costs. It’s a collaborative effort that seeks to try to resolve issues with designs that are often inevitable on complex jobs.

“DA” brings peace of mind, financial stability and a predictability that allows owners to sleep better at night, knowing their project is under expert supervision every step of the way with a view to avoiding the problematic conflicts that can create explosive overruns and delays.

One of the cornerstones of Design Assist is the constant evolution of the construction budget. Change Notices are the most expensive form of adding work to a contract.  In complex renovations it’s not unrealistic to see 50-70% of the base contract added through change notices by the end of the program.

Design Assist sets-up the job for success from the very beginning.

The DA team’s vast real-world experience puts the designs under a unique review from the perspective of experts who’ve been in the field and can foresee problems before they develop. It’s trouble-shooting at its best… and the return is incalculable.

In the current environment, owners face an imposing list of challenges such as:

  • Skilled Labour shortages
  • Raw materials availability
  • Worldwide materials price instability
  • Escalation costs for long lead procurement to meet scheduling
  • Compressed design schedules
  • Accelerated construction to reduce financing costs

In a way, Design Assist protects owners from themselves and their temptation to seize the lowest priced bid, thereby exposing themselves to uncertain future cost escalations.  DA adds resources to the design team and the day-to-day operations, serving as a project  safeguard against  decisions that cause price spikes and scheduling nightmares.

The Design Assist team reports directly to the owner and oversees ALL scopes of the operations and development.  Literally speaking, the buck stops with the DA managers.

Here’s a snapshot of how and why DA it works:

  • Design Assist will identify future risks related to materials, equipment, labour and construction
  • Design Assist will integrate high level co-ordination during design.
  • Design Assist anticipates elements not yet incorporated on paper or in the designs
  • Design Assist projects costs to complete the project, not start
  • Design Assist does NOT tell everyone what to do

In summary, Design Assist gives owners the best value, not at Day One but at the END of the job.

While Design Assist may be somewhat new to many, it is not a new process. Just ask around.

For an even more detailed overview, download the whitepaper about Design Assist written from the standpoint of Mechanical Contracting – a trade area for which the value of the Design Assist process is perhaps the most pronounced.

Sign Up to Download the White Paper

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Case Studies

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