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Design Assist is all about de-risking for the owner and driving real, tangible short and long-term outcomes for all stakeholders.

Design Assist builds up a budget and projects costs. It can even give a budget at concept with an impressive degree of accuracy, supporting the general contractor and the design team.

The process allows for the design teams to complete the drawings while DA focuses on coordinating with the trades and the GC. This allows the design folks to keep a keen eye on getting to the finish line by deadline, while Design Assist takes care of the rest of the details.

Design Assist is all about de-risking for the owner and driving real, tangible short and long-term outcomes for all stakeholders.

Design Assist builds up a budget and projects costs. It can even give a budget at concept with an impressive degree of accuracy, supporting the general contractor and the design team.

The process allows for the design teams to complete the drawings while DA focuses on coordinating with the trades and the GC. This allows the design folks to keep a keen eye on getting to the finish line by deadline, while Design Assist takes care of the rest of the details.

A real-world example of successful Design Assist applications can be found within a modern and unique new-build in Toronto called Portland Commons.  The owner/architect reached out to the Design Assist team from the very beginning, paving the way for intensive examination of the design, plans, and coordination of the build.

Portland Commons is a 15-storey, 560,000 square ft “healthy building” featuring multiple offsets to allow for 13 outdoor terraces to be used by people who will work in the complex.

Design Assist enabled close working relationships among designers, GCs, and the mechanical engineering team to conduct a detailed cost and risk assessment of anticipated complexities from the beginning.  Whether those risks involved tackling the challenging offsets, the raised floor HVAC system, the connection to deep-lake-water cooling systems, or the feasibility of bold designs, Design Assist served to de-risk the project and ensure smooth execution of the plans, which protected the owner from major cost overruns and delays.

Often, the DA team will see a stumbling block that they’ve encountered in previous projects, and can apply their decades of experience to eliminating that issue before it becomes a real-world problem.

“We ran into this problem before and this is our solution for you”  – DA Team

Always remember that Design Assist is a COLLABORATIVE process that fleshes out risks and generates solutions that save time and money for the owner.

No one should repeat mistakes of the past.

If you want to hear more about the benefits and outcome of Design Assist and the process, we’re happy to have a chat and or download the Whitepaper about Design Assist written from the standpoint of Mechanical Contracting – a trade area for which the value of the Design Assist process is perhaps the most pronounced.

We are here to help.  Consider us a resource and reach out any time.

Get In Touch

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Case Studies

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
    Consectetur adipiscing elit

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

  • Vivamus diam diam, hendrerit quis ipsum sed
    Vivamus diam diam, hendrerit quis ipsum sed

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.